Confiança Cauções
Financial and legal intelligence applied to the development of structured projects.
Guarantee Fund
Investments in structured projects, fundraising and the opening of a global
line of credit that allows financing and guaranteeing contracts.
Guarantees for Public and Private Sectors
A breath for your cashier, tranquility for the creditor.

Our Products

Confiança Cauções is an independent financial services boutique, fund manager and capital structuring service provider.

  • 989

    Guarantees Issued

  • 169

    Satisfied Customers

  • 5

    Years of Experience

  • 10

    Specialized Consultants


Traditional and Judicial Guarantees
Breathe for your cashier, tranquility for the creditor.
Best alternative to bank guarantee and fast and hassle free cash deposit.
It does not use its credit limit at the bank, does not generate accumulation in the insurance company. The Guarantee Fund is a great Guarantee Limit option.
Quick and
Easy Hiring.
Quick, direct and hassle-free hiring, bringing proposals as quickly as possible.
Flexibility in
We make risk assessment more flexible, accepting most proposals that are rejected by insurers.
Executives with a wide
Executives of banks and insurance companies with more than 20 years of experience, we preserve ethics and transparency in all our transactions.